Dikaruniai Anak Kedua, Mark Zukerberg Tulis Sepucuk Surat. Isinya Bikin Haru!
Sumber : http://techno.okezone.com/
Kabar bahagia datang dari pendiri sekaligus CEO Facebook,
Mark Zuckerberg. Kini, ia bersama sang istri Priscillia Chan baru saja
dikaruniai putri kedua dan membagikan kebahagiaannya tersebut lewat jejaring
sosial miliknya.
"Priscilla dan aku sangat bahagia menyambut putri
(kedua) kami, August!" tulis Zuckerberg dalam akun Facebook dan Instagram
Mengutip Daily Mail, Selasa (29/8/2017), nama yang diambil
oleh pasangan muda terkaya di dunia ini jelas diambil dari bulan kelahirannya.
Persis seperti saat kelahiran putri pertamanya, Zuckerberg
juga menuliskan surat untuk anak keduanya. Surat itu ia posting di akun
Facebook pribadinya.
Priscilla and I are so happy to welcome our daughter August!
We wrote her a letter about the world we hope she grows up in, and also hoping
she doesn't grow up too fast.
Dear August,
Welcome to the world! Your mom and I are so excited to see who you will become.
When your sister was born, we wrote a letter about the world we hoped she and now you will grow up in -- a world with better education, fewer diseases, stronger communities, and greater equality.
We wrote that with all the advances in science and technology, your generation should live dramatically better lives than ours, and we have a responsibility to do our part to make that happen.
Even though headlines often focus on what's wrong, we still believe these positive trends will win out. We're optimists about your generation and the future.
But rather than write about growing up, we want to talk about childhood. The world can be a serious place. That's why it's important to make time to go outside and play.
You will be busy when you're older, so I hope you take time to smell all the flowers and put all the leaves you want in your bucket now.
I hope you read your favorite Dr. Seuss books so many times you start inventing your own stories about the Vipper of Vipp. I hope you ride the carousel with Max until you've tamed every color horse.
I hope you run as many laps around our living room and yard as you want. And then I hope you take a lot of naps. I hope you're a great sleeper.
And I hope even in your dreams you can feel how much we love you.
Childhood is magical. You only get to be a child once, so don't spend it worrying too much about the future. You've got us for that, and we'll do everything we possibly can to make sure the world is a better place for you and all children in your generation.
August, we love you so much and we're so excited to go on this adventure with you.
We wish you a life of joy, love and the same hope you give us.
Mom and Dad
Cuti Ayah untuk Menikmati Kebersamaan dengan Bayi Barunya Saat ini, Mark Zuckerberg sedang mengambil cuti ayah selama dua bulan.
Rencana ini sebelumnya telah diumumkan melalui akun Facebook
pribadinya, 18 Agustus. Sebagai informasi, Facebook memang memberikan opsi bagi
karyawan untuk mengambil cuti ayah selama dua bulan, yang berakhir sebelum
akhir tahun ini.
Cutih ayah diperuntukan oleh para pegawai pria untuk
mendampingi sang istri menjalani persalinan juga memberi kesempatan kepada ayah
agar bisa mengasuh anak.
"Saya akan cuti selama sebulan untuk bisa mendampingi
Priscilla dan putri-putri kami. Kemudian kami akan menghabiskan bulan Desember
secara penuh dan bersama-sama," tulis Zuckerberg seorang miliarder
sekaligus filantropis seperti Bill Gates.
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